Expert Insight Series - May

05/18/2022 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM CT


Research and development in containment laboratory facilities requires specialized structures and equipment. The design, construction, and maintenance of these facilities are managed by a select number of experts in the United States. Our region is home to a number of industry leaders in the field who propel the global bioscience industry. Join our conversation in this Expert Insight session to learn more about (1) The design and pre-construction elements needed in high-performance laboratories  and (2) Safety and management of high and maximum containment facility operations 

 We are excited to host Seth M Kelso and John Scott Rusk. Seth Kelso has spent over 21 years with McCarthy, building high-performance research and public health laboratories. He has overseen pre-construction and construction of over 25% of the Biosafety Level 4 facilities in the United States and more than 50%of the gross square feet. Scott serves as the Core Director for Facility Operations National Biocontainment Laboratory in Boston, managing high and maximum containment facility operations.